Every day checklist for backcountry skiers.Home


When: What:
First thing in the morning.
bulletChecking the barometer for weather tendency.
bulletCheck the weather conditions outside.
Before leaving.
bulletFunction check of the avalanche bleeper
bulletCheck that you have all the essential parts with you (Climbing skins, gloves, (ski) crampons, axe, and so on)
bulletWho checked the sleeping- and drying room ?
bulletRoute description in you pocket.
bulletCalibrating the altitude meter
bulletStarting or resetting statistical information of your GPS.
At your track
bulletRoute direction
bulletPoints of no return
bulletTime planning
bulletWeather tendency
bulletAvalanche safety
bulletStability of the snow (especially when you cross a rife)
bulletThe altitude meter
On arrival
bulletRecord the statistical information for evaluation purpose (duration, distance, meters climbing and descending )
bulletCalibrating the altitude meter
bulletCleaning your skies
bulletDrying your skins, shoes and clothes
Before dark
bulletPreparing backpack for next day tour.
bulletEvaluation of the day (compare statistical data with the planning)
bulletWeather forecast
bulletAvalanche bulletin
bulletLocal planning of the next day.
Before bedtime
bulletCheck the weather conditions outside
bulletChecking the barometer for weather tendency.