Weather- and Avalanche informationHome

Alps    Austria    Germany    France    Italy      Slovakia    Spain    Scotland    Switzerland    Internet    Avalanche scale   

Telephone numbers are subject of change. Test these numbers before leaving and check that they give you the detailed information you need for the area were you planned your backcountry skitour!

Alps   Up

Personal meteorological advice of the Alpenverein +43 (0) 512 291600

Austria   Up

(0900 numbers are only reachable in Austria!)
Emergency call 140
Weather forecast for the Alps in total 0900 91 1566 80 
Weather forecast for Austria 0900 91 1566 83 
Weather forecast for Austria (Personal advice between 13.00 and 18.00 hours (not on Sunday)). +43 (0)5122  916 00
Regional Alp weather forecast. 0900 91 1566 81 
Weather forecast for the Gardasee  0900 91 1566 84
Weather forecast for the East Alps 0900 91 1566 82 
Avalanche bulletin Vorarlberg +43 (0)5522 1588
Avalanche bulletin Salzburg +43 (0)662 1588
Avalanche bulletin Oberösterreich +43 (0)732 1588
Avalanche bulletin Oberösterreich, special advice +43 (0)732 7720-2485
Avalanche bulletin (Ost)tirol +43 (0)512 1588
Avalanche bulletin (Ost)tirol, special advice +43 (0)512 581839
Avalanche bulletin (Ost)tirol, by fax +43 (0)512 581839-81
Avalanche bulletin Stiermarken +43 (0)316 1588
Avalanche bulletin Stiermarken, special advice +43 (0)316 242200
Avalanche bulletin Stiermarken, by fax +43 (0)316 242300
Avalanche bulletin  Karinthië +43 (0)463 1588
Avalanche bulletin  Karinthië, special advice +43 (0)664 620 2229
Avalanche bulletin Salzburg +43 (0)662 1588
Avalanche bulletin Salzburg, special advice +43 (0)662 8042-2170
Avalanche bulletin Salzburg, by fax +43 (0)463 8042-3033

Germany   Up

Emergency number Beieren 19222
Weather forecast for the Alps (Only reachable in Germany!) (0,40 euro/min.) 09001 295070
Weather forecast for the Alps (Only reachable in Germany!)   0190 1160 11   
Weather forecast +49 (0)89 9250 70
Lawinebericht Bayern +49 (0)89 9214 1210
Avalanche bulletin Bayern, special advice +49 (0)89 9214 1555
Avalanche bulletin Bayern, fax number +49 (0)89 9214 1130

France   Up

Weather forecast +33 (0)836 68 08 08
Avalanche bulletin , interactive number: +33 (0)892 68 10 20
Haute Savoie Select: *74
Savoie Select: *73
Isere Select: *38
Hauts-Alpes Select: *05
Alpes Haute Provence Select: *05 or *06
Alpes Maritimes Select: *06
Corse Select: *20
Pyrenees Atlantiques, Hautes Pyrenees Select: *65
Haute Garonne, Ariege Select: *31
Pyrenees Orientales Select: *66
Andorra Select: *66

Italy   Up

Emergency call Italy en South-Tirol 118
South Tirol (weather- and avalanche bulletins in German or Italian, also for fax messages) (+39) 0471 27 11 77
South Tirol, special advice (+39) 0471 41 47 40
Interactive number: (+39) 0461 23 00 30
Valle d'Aosta (+39) 0165 77 63 00
Piemonte (+39) 011 318 55 55
Liguria (+39) 010 53 20 49
Lombardia 1478 370 77
Veneto (+39) 0436 792 21
Trentino (+39) 0461 23 89 39
Friuli - Veneziea Giulia 800 860 377
Meteomont Service:
Torino             (Piemonte: Alpi Marittime, Cozie, Graie, Liguri, Pennine, Lepontine e Appennino Abruzzese.) (+39) 011 3199756
Aosta              (Valle d'Aosta: Alpi Graie e Pennine) (+39) 0165 262571
Bolzano (+39) 0471 911120
Brunico (BZ)   (Trentino Alto Adige Orientali: Alpi Breonie, Aurine - Pusteresi, Dolomiti Nord - Orientali, Dolomiti Nord - Occidentali) (+39) 0474 531168
Belluno            (Veneto: Prealpi Venete, Dolomiti Nord- Orientali, Dolomiti Sud - Orientali.) (+39) 0437 941462
Udine              (Friuli Venezia Giulia: Alpi e Prealpi Giulie e Carniche) (+39) 0432 25276

Slovakia   Up

Weather forecast for Slovakia (+421) 849 16903

Spain   Up

Navarrese and Aragonese Pyrenees (+34) 807 170 380
Catalonian Western or  Eastern Pyrenees (Spanish) (+34) 93 567 15 75

Scotland   Up

Sportscotland Avalanche Information Service (daily report) (+44) 01479 861363

Switzerland   Up

From abroad
+41 333 333 333 

Avalanche bulleting, general telephone number for Switzerland, update at 17.00 hours.
(Fr. 0,50 /call + Fr. 0,50 /min.)

(+41 / 848 800) 187 
See for the local areas and telephone number of regional avalanche bulletins the map below.
Special advice +41(0)81/41701-11
by  fax +41(0)900 592021
Weather forecast for the alps (Telefoon, Fr. 1,00 /min.) 0900 162 138 (in Switzerland)
+41-848 800 162 (from abroad)
Weather forecast for the alps (Fax, Fr. 2,00 /min.) 0900 554 338
Weather forecast 157 6152
Teletext page (SF DRS 1, SF DRS 2, SF Info) 187 
Fax service national:
National avalanche bulletin by fax (in German, update at 17.00 hours) 0900 592 021
A map that shows you dangerous areas in addition to the avalanche bulletins (by fax). 
pdate at 17.00 hours.
0900 592 024
A map with snow layer thickness by fax 
Update, every Thursday at 10.00 hours or at major changes.
0900 592 025
Layer thickness of the snowfall in the last 24 hours by fax. 
Update at 09.00 hours.
0900 592 026
Fax service Regional bulletin (Fr. 1,49 /min.):
Zentralschweiz (daily, update at 08.00 hours; German) 0900 59 20 31
Unterwallis / Waadtländer Alpen (daily, update at 08.00 hours; French) 0900 59 20 32
Oberwallis (daily, update at 08.00 uur; German) 0900 59 20 33
Nord- und Mittelbünden (daily, update at 08.00 uur; German) 0900 59 20 34
Südbünden (daily, update at 08.00 uur; German) 0900 59 20 35
Berner Oberland (daily, update at 08.00 uur; German) 0900 59 20 36
Östlicher Alpennordhang (Daily, update at 08.00 uur; German) 0900 59 20 37
WAP, see for a overview of available measurement stations the map and list below.

See also    

Regional bulletin    Up
The picture below shows the territories names that will be used in the bulletin.
The telephone numbers for the regional bulletins are given as well. The update is at 20.00 hours.


Measurement stations    Up

Het Excel overzicht met informatie over de meetstations kan alleen getoond als daartoe de benodigde besturingselementen aanwezig zijn. Dit vereist o.a. dat je MS Office geïnstalleerd is op je computer. Sorry!


Avalanche bulletins on internet:    Up

See Interesting Links, section Avalanche bulletins..


The European Avalanche Danger level scale:    Up

Scale Probability of Avalanches Terrain Consideration Decision making Consideration English Dutch French German Italian
Very unlikely

Generally stable, but isolated areas of instability are possible.  Generally save. But remember to always use caution and to use safe travel practices. low gering

Het sneeuwdek is goed gezet en stabiel; Lawines zijn alleen bij grote belasting van het sneeuwdek in extreem steile hellingen mogelijk. Veilig omstandigheden.

faible gering

Auslösung ist allgemain nur bei grosser Zusatzbelastung (z.B. Gruppe ohne Abstanände) an seht wenigern, extremen Steilhängen möglich. Spontan sind nur kleine Lawinen (soganannte Rutsche) möglich. Allgemein sichere Verhältnisse.


Areas of instability are possible on steep terrain. Use extra caution on certain aspects and/or slope angles as described in the current bulletin. moderate matig

Het sneeuwdek is matig gezet op sommige steile hellingen maar over het algemeen goed gezet. Redelijke omstandigheden, voorzichtige routekeus in steile stukken van de aangegeven exposities. 

limite maessig

Auslösung ist insbesondere bei grosser Zusatzbelastung vor allem an den angegebenen Steilhängen möglich. Grössere spontane Lawinen sind nicht zu erwarten. Mehrheitlich günstige verhältnisse. Vorsichtige Routenwahl, vor allen an Steilhängen der angegebenen Exposition und Höhenlage.


Areas of instability are probable on steep terrain. Be extra cautious in steep terrain, consider avoiding areas of highest hazard as described in the current bulletin. considerable aanzienlijk

Het sneeuwdek is in steile hellingen maar matig tot zwak gezet, lawines uitlokken kan al bij geringe extra belasting van het sneeuwdek en spontane lawines zijn mogelijk. Steile hellingen en het hooggebergte vermijden.  

marque erheblich

Auslösung ist bereits bei geringer Zusatzbelastung (z.B. Einzelperson) vor allem an den angegebenen Steilhängen möglich. Fallweise sind spontan einige mittlere, vereinzelt aber auch grosse Lawinen möglich. Teilweise ungünstige Verhältnisse. Erfahrung in der Lawinenbeurteilung erforderlich. Steilhänge der angegebenen Exposition und Höhenlage möglichst meiden.


Areas of instability are likely on a variety of aspects and slope angles. Travel in avalanche terrain is unwise. Stay on lower slope angles or safer aspects as defined in the current bulletin.  high groot

Het sneeuwdek is slecht gezet, al bij geringe extra belasting zijn lawines mogelijk. Spontaan zijn ook grotere lawines te verwachten. Ongunstige situatie, beperk je tot vlak terrein.

fort gross

Aslösung ist bereits bei geringer Zusatzbelastung an zahlreichen Steilhaängen wahrscheinlich. Fallweise sind spontan viele mittlere, mehrfach auch grosse Lawinen zu erwarten. Ungünstige Verhältniss: Viel Erfahrung in der Lawinenbeurleilung erforderlich. Baschränkung auf mässig steiles Gelände; Lawinenauslaufbereiche beachten.



Both widespread

Instability certain and widespread. Large avalanches are likely.  Avoid avalanche terrain, including runout zones. Seek out low angle terrain unthreatened from above very high zeer groot

Het sneeuwdek is zeer instabiel en ook op weinig steile hellingen zijn spontaan grotere lawines te verwachten. Zeer ongunstige omstandigheden!

tres fort sehr gross

Spontan sind zahlreiche grosse Lawinen, auch in mässig steilem Gelände zu erwarten. Sehr ungünstige Verhältnisse. Verzicht empfohlen.

molto forte

The European Avalanche Danger level scale is also used in Canada and in the USA. 

Avalanches don't happen by chance, and most people who get caught trigger the avalanche themselves. Even small slides can be dangerous or fatal, so watch for "terrain traps". Select your route wisely and carry avalanche rescue gear. Base your decision on the "big picture" which should incorporate all information and observations. Be willing to modify your big picture as new observations are made and/or conditions change (3x3 method). 
Take an avalanche course, see the Organised Tours on the Interesting Links page.